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Friday, October 13, 2006

All Along The Watchtower

Oz called us up and asked if we wanted to come on down and watch the Dylan show. Naturally we jumped at the chance ... so we put on jackets, fired up the kormacurry mobile and headed on down.

We arrived just in time to get situated and watch Bob take to the stage on the 1st night of his North American tour.

Greeting the audience he jittered into "Tweedle Dee - Tweedle Dum". Kool! A couple of songs in, Oz showed up "Follow me to better seats". So off we trotted into the press section where we sat down facing Bob !!! Truly Epic, and I have to say this was far less embarrassing than being in the front row of a Brian Adams show trying to look delighted when he stared at us.

Throughout the night he dipped into his obviously massive back collection. His band was pure class, providing a sonic sensation. Numerous guitarists textured the songs, whilst a pedal steel guitarist warmed everyones heart and soul. "...How does it feeee-eee-eel?" Pretty dang good Bob, Pretty dang good. Bob played keyboards and harmonica for the night, shuffling away as he played some cool Hammond.

On thing though, I only wish he'd sing the songs as he recorded them, I ended up asking myself .. "Is this still ... All Along The Watchtower ?". But whatever, the dude's probably sung those songs a billzillion times and feels like changing them up from time-to-time.

A truly and epic event, thanks a lot Oz!