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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Freaky Dancing
My bro MSN'ed me today, to let me know some of my work is hanging in Urbis Art Gallary - Manchester as part of a Hacienda exhibition, which is nice.

Back in '89, before DIY culture was re-invented me and mates, in retrospect were on a creative trail blaze - we'd been making games for years (what! we were only 21), had a band, some ran companies and one night in a park in Chorlton we decided to make a fanzine and hand it out to box-party-people in the Hacienda queue.

The concept was simple, every Thursday we'd goto Ste's office and photocopy the issue and on Friday hand it out. Any given issue was filled with comics, artwork, stories, photos and reviews. Everyone loved it. We did it for about a year, then called it a day.

In the last decade as everyone has reflected on this period of Manchester history, Freaky Dancing (FD) has appeared in book after book. We knew we where doing something good. We understood our rock and roll history, knew all about punk rock ... now here we where in the boom time of Acid House ... we knew it was special. Manchester was ground zero for all what was new and happening. Tony Wilson once made a comment on FD which blew me away, and was kind of the reason we did it -- "It's the only written account of this legendary period in Manchester History" - thanks Tony!

Anyways it's hanging is Urbis Art Gallery. Anyone in England reading this, send me a photo.

Top, nice one - sorted.