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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Largs & Isle Of Cumbrae

Super Sunday - we headed West to the Irish Sea and checked out the fishing village of Largs. A lovely little town. After checking the place we jumped on a ferry and headed out to the Isle Of Cumbrae. A short trip to a short island, midway between the mainland and the Isle Of Arran. It reminded me of the Vashon ferry.

LandING at the island we caught a bus to a town (oops forgot the name). We checked out the oldest cathedral in the UK. In fact, we entered just before mass and was entertained by the local choir troop belting out the most mind blowing intricate harmonies. The lead was quite a bossy dude and kept resetting the performance. Out came the hymn books and the smiley ladies. I was all for staying, the rest wanted to go.. One small problem ... they'd locked the door on us!!! LOL HAHAHA.

Foe the remainder of the day we walked all around the island, checking out the seals (noises), checking out the rocks, the real estate prices (reasonable) and the sweet shops (yum).

Late afternoon we headed back to Glasgow, then back down to Manchester -- which concludes our Scottish weekend epic. Here's a video of our adventures ...