This is where we share our world.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Flight To London

It´s starts of just like a joke ... There´s an Englishman, an Irishman and a German. All on a place to England. There Germans say´s, ¨let´s all drink some beer¨. The Irishman said ¨aye, for sure¨ and the Englishman gladly excepted. After a while the Irishman lay on the floor and used his seat as a pillow. Englishman and German carrys on. After a while, M tells us it´s 2 hours to England, everyones asleep, so it´s probably a good time to stop giggling and get some rest. Can´t argue with that logic... so heads down for some sleep.

I always enjoy the people we meet travelling, best friends for 12 hours. The German actually lives in our neighbourhood and is professer in Computing at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. He was on his way to do a lecture at the London School Of Economics. The Irishman, actually lived in our fave place in Oregon. A small town of around 200 people! He invited us to come stay with him when we´re down there ... for sure!

Brother picked us up in Manchester. Thankfully he remembered where the car was this year ... so no tired walks around the parking lot. Great to see the rest of the family, and Mum made us a fantastic meal ... which we heartily enjoyed after the plane food. We then watched some great Telly before falling asleep and heading of to bed for the best nights sleep ever. Well we´d been up for 36 or so hours...