Community Spirit
It's Community Clean Up Month here in Vancouver and our neighbour Ms Fiji was the local organiser and block captain rallying up the troops.
After last night's Arctic Monkeys show and 5 hours sleep I wasn't too happy to see the pouring rain outside. My civic duty got me dressed, out the door and drinking some wake-up coffee at Ms Fiji's. After a couple of espressos and a pastry smeared with Nutella (mmm) I was ready.
We met the garbage truck about 10 blocks away. Just 3 of us!!! The driver threw down some rubber gloves provided by the city and we headed down the back-streets grabbing all the trash (people had left there trash out in preperation). I have to say, this is where the fun started ... watching sofas crunch, TV's implode (boom!), cabinets smashing under the power of those trash compactors was, erm, awesome! LOL.
The cleanup passed through the hood and more neighbours came out and helped. The power trio grew into to a large posse. Everyone worked hard and cleaned up lot's of stuff, plus we all had a laugh. We met some nice folks we've never seen before.
The way KormaCurry see's it, if you want something you have to go and get it. We all want a good neighbourhood so that's why everyone was out today. Man, I love Vancouver.
Pictures coming as soon as I can disinfect my camera!