This is where we share our world.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

NFS Undercover

Here's something I've been working on lately ;} ....

Family Visit

We had a great visit from my family. They flew over the arctic to come see Lil' Kormacurry and had a great time!!! They loved Lil' Kormacurry (well of course, she's adorable!).

A good time was had by all over the 2 weeks, we managed to squeeze in some great outings to some epic nature and in fine form of the pursuit of good times they arrived, met Lil' Kormacurry, ate a tasty lunch then fancied some fresh air after the plane ... so whilst M got some sleepy time ... we headed into the mountains for a stroll. It's truly a magnificent part of the world around here.

What No Posts?

Facebook is definately eating into my blogging time. It's been quite interesting experience non-the-less, I've reconnected with some old friends from England which is - priceless. The world has always been shrinking for me, living an international life with friends and family spanning the globe .. but facebook has added a new dimension to this experience. On a day-to-day basis I know what's on the minds of my friends in England and USA. So what? but that is actually really powerful. Years ago, feeling this connected was unheard off .. communication was in the form of an expensive telephone call or a letter .. both which rendered a disconnect.