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Monday, September 18, 2006

West Seattle In The House

Good times this weekend as our good friends Mr & Mrs G came for a visit. Always fab to see these dudes and we did some serious catching up, exchanging stories and happy times.

M made a lovely meal, then it was off downtown to watch a perfect AC/DC (Thunderstruck) cover band at the Commodore.

After realizing we couldn't talk, we busted out of there and headed over to Taft's for some tasty Sangria. We then headed down to my office so they could check out the view and enjoy a few drinks. One thing led to another, out came turntables, the Led Zep and we mixed up GrandMaster Flash whilst M beat boxed, I scratched - and all laughed. We closed the night down in the early hours. LOL!

Next day we head down to Punjab Village and then down to Granville Island, for a stroll and some lunch. Great times, we love these dudes!